Saturday, March 31, 2012
Palm Sunday: St. Anne Chapel
Fr. Charles Crespo blessed palms outside the rectory at St. Anne Chapel on St. Thomas as Mass began on March 31. The palms were distributed and the procession into the chapel began.
Virgin Islands History
The Virgin Islands History classes of Ss. Peter and Paul School on St. Thomas hosted a Celebration of Virgin Islands History Month and learned about Transfer Day, March 31, 1917, on March 30, 2012. Ninth graders made presentations on outstanding Virgin Islanders, both past and present. Pictured above, Keisha Hyacinth gave a presentation on music to the elementary students. Guest speaker Leah Sasso McAllister spoke about her late mother, Blanche Sasso, who was former Ss. Peter and Paul principal, teacher, and seamstress of the original Virgin Islands flag. Lucia Henley, former Virgin Islands Carnival Food Fair honoree, treated the students to banana benye, sweet potato pudding, bread pudding, chicken pates, stewed cherries, and pineapple, coconut and carrot sugar cakes and tarts.
Young Athlete
Kohun Eugene, a member of the youth group at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church on St. John, wore his medals from various athletic meets on March 31.
Transfer Day
The U.S. Virgin Islands commemorated the 95th anniversary of Transfer Day, the transfer of the Virgin Islands from Denmark to the United States, on March 31. The ceremony on St. Croix took place at the Whim Estate Museum. Pictured above, Lt. Gov. Gregory Francis commended the St. Patrick School Steel Pan Orchestra.
St. Mary School was among the schools that prepared an exhibit on St. Croix history. The fifth grade students researched sugar plantation estates. Pictured left, Nadia Garriga-Cerni researched the Lawaetz family plantation.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Fire Safety
Roberto Santos, a retired St. Croix fire chief and a Homeland Security adviser, instructed the staff at St. Joseph High School on St. Croix in the use of fire extinguishers on March 30. Sandra Miranda, dean and office manager at St. Joseph High School, was among the faculty members who took turns at extinguishing a blaze.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Lenten Reflections in Spanish
St. Joseph Church on St. Croix hosted a triduum of Lenten reflections in Spanish led by Orlando Bernard and Francisco Gracia of Los Hermanos Cheo of Puerto Rico on March 27-29.
Lenten Mission: St. Ann Church
Msgr. William John Lewis started a three-night Lenten mission in the chapel at St. Ann Church on St. Croix on March 27.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Physics Class
Members of the 12th grade physics class of Brother James Petrait, OSFS, at St. Joseph High School on St. Croix, posed for a class photo in front of the school sign on March 26. Pictured left to right are Ian Heath, Jonique George, Yahaira Olmeda, Roxane Grey, Enrique Arroya, and Julie Dupie, Jr.
Students Support the Red Cross
March was American Red Cross Month. Pictured right, Basil Williams, the head of St. Mary School on St. Croix, thanked the students who supported the American Red Cross on “Wear Red Day” on March 23. Marjorie Emmanuel of the American Red Cross spoke briefly with the students about the Red Cross' worldwide assistance after natural and man-made disasters. Mr. Williams then presented her with a check for $170 from the students. Students paid $1 to wear red on this day.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Legion of Mary Acies
Members of the Legion of Mary from Holy Family Church, St. Anne Chapel and Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral on St. Thomas gathered for the Acies at Holy Family Church on March 25. Acies is Latin word meaning an army ranged in battle array, and is an annual ceremony in which the legionaries renew their fealty to Mary.
Bishop Bevard Meets Fr. Mitch Pacwa
Fr. Mitch Pacwa of EWTN preached a mission at Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church on St. Thomas this week, and earlier today preached at English and Spanish Masses at the cathedral. He is now visiting with Bishop Herbert Bevard at the Catholic Chancery.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Youth Meditations for Lent
Fr. Neil Scantlebury, pastor of Holy Family Church on St. Thomas, led youth of his parish on a Lenten Day of recollection.
Church Cleaners
Parishioners always find their churches clean when they come to Mass on Sundays, and it is due to silent ministry of the volunteer cleaners. Pictured above left to right, St. Anne Chapel on St. Thomas has a new team of helpers in Cindy Richardson, Dawn Petersen, Mary Oxendine and Tyra Hunt.
Fr. Mitch Pacwa Speaks to Youth
Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ, of EWTN, led about 30 youth in a Lenten meditation at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church on St. Thomas on March 24.
Advanced Directive Workshop
More than 30 people attended a free Living Will and Advanced Medical Directive Seminar led by Tracy Sanders of Continuum Care in the St. Anne Chapel clubhouse on March 24.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Lenten Mission: Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral
Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ, of Eternal Word Television (EWTN), led a Lenten Mission at Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral on St. Thomas on March 22-23. He will preach at several of the Sunday Masses in English and in Spanish.
Cultural Day
The ninth grade Virgin Islands and Caribbean History class at St. Joseph High School on St. Croix presented a Virgin Islands Cultural Day program in the St. Joseph Church Hospitality Lounge on March 22. The program featured skits and dancing by the dancing class. Caribbean food was served afterwards.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Sunday, March 18, 2012
St. Patrick Parade
His Excellency, Bishop Herbert Bevard, petted Eeyore the donkey as he and Fr. Patrick Lynch, CSsR, led the annual patronal parade for St. Patrick Church and St. Patrick School on St. Croix on March 18.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Bishop Bevard at St. Joseph Church
His Excellency, Bishop Herbert Bevard, celebrated Mass at St. Joseph Church on St. Croix on March 17. He is pictured before Mass with Fr. John Mark, pastor, (left) and Deacon Neville Charles (right).
Lenten Retreat: Deacons
His Excellency, Bishop Herbert Bevard, led a Lenten reflection
for the St. Croix deacons and deacon candidates and their wives at Light of
Christ Retreat Center on March 17. At the conclusion, he announced that he
would ordain Hector Arroyo of St. Joseph Church and Benjamin Parrilla of Holy
Cross Church to the diaconate at St. Joseph Church on St. Croix on Saturday,
July 7, at 11 a.m. Pictured left to right are Msgr. Michael Kosak, vicar of the
diaconate, Bishop Bevard, Mr. Arroyo and Mr. Parrilla.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Divine Mercy
Alberto Rosario of Arecibo, Puerto Rico, offered three presentations in Spanish and English on the Divine Mercy to parishioners of St. Joseph Church on St. Croix on March 16-18. Pictured right, he spoke to the Hispanic community on March 16.
Stations of the Cross
The Hispanic community at St. Joseph Church on St. Croix prays the Stations of the Cross outdoors on Fridays of Lent.
School Mass
Fr. Neil Scantlebury celebrated Mass for the students of Ss. Peter and Paul School on St. Thomas at Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral on March 16. He came down the center aisle to involve the students in his homily.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Students Sing
Wojciech Kusek, CSsR, played guitar as fifth graders from St. Mary School on
St. Croix sang “Open the Eyes of My Heart” at Holy Cross Church on March 15.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
School Via Crucis
Teachers Margarite Rene and Boniface-Blanchard Twaibu led students of Ss. Peter and Paul School on St. Thomas through the Stations of the Cross during morning assembly today and every Wednesday of Lent.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Planning Holy Week
Fr. Charles Crespo, administrator of St. Anne Chapel on St. Thomas, met with members of the congregation tonight in the chapel hall to plan Holy Week celebrations.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Neocatechumenal Way
Father George Klybus of Turks and Caicos led a Lenten day of recollection for members of the Neocatechumenal Way at St. Joseph Church on St. Croix on March 11. The groups continue to meet on Mondays and Thursdays at 7 p.m.
Rite of Choice
Father Eduardo Ortiz Santiago, administrator of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church on St. Thomas, led seven confirmation candidates in the Rite of Choice during Sunday Mass on March 11.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Friday, March 9, 2012
School Mass
Students of Ss. Peter and Paul School on St. Thomas attend Mass as a community at Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral every Friday. Pictured right, Fr. Neil Scantlebury celebrated the Mass and Msgr. Jerome Feudjio helped distribute Holy Communion on March 9.
Pictured left, several students serve as music ministers at the Friday school Masses.
Pictured left, several students serve as music ministers at the Friday school Masses.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Students Learn to Care for Animals
Veterinary Services taught the students of St. Patrick School on St. Croix how to care for pets on March 8.
Students Learn about Marine Life
A representative from the St. Croix East End Marine Park taught the students of St. Patrick School about marine life on March 8.
Student Retreat
Students at Ss. Peter and Paul School on St. Thomas are on retreat today in the hall of St. Anne Chapel.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Legion of Mary
Three Legion of Mary groups meet weekly on St. Thomas. Pictured above is the group at St. Anne Chapel.
Presidium María, Arca de la Alianza, holds meetings in Spanish at Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral’s Hospitality Lounge on Sundays at 2 p.m.
Presidium Mary, Mystical Rose, meets in Holy Family Church’s classroom on Sundays at 3 p.m.
Presidium Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces, meets in the St. Anne Chapel hall on Wednesdays at 6 p.m.
Cathedral Restoration Project
Workers are repairing several dormitories in the rectory of Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral on St. Thomas that were made unusable over the years largely due to water damage.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
RCIA Candidate
Peggy Meyer is preparing Duane Howell to receive his full sacramental initiation into the Catholic Church at Holy Cross Church on St. Croix during the Easter Vigil.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Lenten Mission: OLMC Church
Father Trevor Nathasingh of the Archdiocese of Port of Spain in Trinidad led a Lenten Mission at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church on St. John on March 5-8.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Altar Servers Commissioned
Fr. Eduardo Ortiz Santiago commissioned Ryan Querrard and Jessica Gibs as altar servers during Sunday Mass at Our Lady of perpetual Help Church on St. Thomas on March 4.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Stations of the Cross
All parishes pray the Stations of the Cross on Fridays of Lent. Timothy Olive, Deacon Bernard Gibs and Joshua Gibs assisted Fr. Eduardo Ortiz Santiago (not pictured) at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church on St. Thomas. The parish will have an outdoor Stations procession at Magens Bay on Good Friday, April 6, at 6:30 a.m.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Lenten Mission: Holy Family Church
Fr. Cornelius Phillip, FMI, of the Archdiocese of Port of Spain in Trinidad led a Lenten Mission at Holy Family Church on St. Thomas on February 27 to March 1.
Parish Bible Studies
Peggy Meyer leads a Bible study at Holy Cross Church's McAlpin Hall on St. Croix on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 9 a.m.
Fr. Charles Crespo teaches from the book of Genesis in the clubhouse of St. Anne Chapel on St. Thomas on Mondays and Thursdays of Lent at 5:30 p.m. Pictured right, those who arrive early watch a movie based on the book of Genesis before the class begins.
Fr. Charles Crespo teaches from the book of Genesis in the clubhouse of St. Anne Chapel on St. Thomas on Mondays and Thursdays of Lent at 5:30 p.m. Pictured right, those who arrive early watch a movie based on the book of Genesis before the class begins.
Seminarians' Rosary for Life
John Fewel (at the far right), a seminarian for the Diocese of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands, and fellow seminarians from Blessed John XXIII National Seminary in Weston, Massachusetts, prayed the rosary for life in the freezing rain outside Planned Parenthood in Brighton, Massachusetts, on March 1.
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